Seeking Jesus First Feb. 4, 2025

What is mysterious about the kingdom of God?
The good news of the kingdom of God is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The good news is that the kingdom of God is here. You can receive it now. The kingdom and culture of heaven is available to you now. The promises of God are available to you now. Only believe.
“Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”” (Mark 1:14–15, NKJV)
“And He said to them, “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, all things come in parables,” (Mark 4:11, NKJV)
The kingdom of God starts with the seed of God’s word. This is a mystery. God has given us “every spiritual blessing”. The mystery is that the kingdom of God is received by faith in God and in His Son. The mystery is that God’s words are the seeds of the kingdom of God.
When God promises something with His word, it is a “spiritual blessing”. We then “order our conversation” to line up with the spiritual blessing. We order our lives according to His word. We keep His words in our mouth. We meditate in these promises day and night. We believe His word and keep them in our hearts and in our mouths. We begin living like the words are already fulfilled. We set our mind and affection on the words that God has spoken. This faith creates room in your life an in the earth for the manifestation of the promise.
It is a mysterious because we are “calling those things that ‘be not’ as though they were” already in existence. They do exist in the word of God and the word of God creates, or manifests, the will of God. God’s word is His will. God’s word works for God, and God’s word works for us.
One of the biggest problems with people wanting to receive from God is that they are not sure what the will of God is. So, they pray things like, “If it be thy will,”. We are able to discover God’s will. God’s word is God’s will. Holy Spirit prays according to God’s will. Holy Spirit reveals the will of God to us. Holy Spirit teaches us God’s word. The Spirit and The Word agree to show and teach us God’s will. Then we put it in our mouth and meditate on it day and night, aligning our lives with the promises of God and creating room in our lives and in the earth for their fulfillment.
Give thanks for what God has done and for what He has said, because He declares the end from the beginning. There is a word of God that He has already declared for your situation. He is faithful who promised, who also will do it. How God’s word works with our faith is part of the mystery of the kingdom of God which we are given to know.