Seeking Jesus First - Nov. 16, 2022

It is amazing to encounter God’s Presence. We rejoice in every opportunity to experience Him. But did you know? The LORD delights in being intimately known by us. Love can be expressed as the pure desire to know and to be known by someone to the degree that you are willing to sacrifice yourself for them. “Greater love has no man than this - that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

The LORD God Almighty loved us like this but He did not have a body to sacrifice for us. So He made blood covenant with Abraham based upon the sacrifice of Isaac. But on the mountain of sacrifice, God stopped Abraham and said, “The LORD will provide Himself a sacrifice.” Then God became the seed of Abraham and fulfilled both sides of the covenant agreement with His death on the cross ~1400 years later on that very same mountain of sacrifice.

Jer. 9:23-24 Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; 24 But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord.

Do you want to glory or boast in something? Do you want to have something of your very own that exalts you and blesses you to the point that you want to tell others about it and be known for it?

  • Don’t be known for your wisdom, understanding or common sense.
  • Don’t boast in your strength, self discipline or self control.
  • Don’t take pride in your wealth, position, or influence.

Be known for knowing The LORD.

Boast in your relationship with Him.

Take pride in who Him and what He says about you.

Let you wisdom and understanding be found only in GOD.

Be glad that your GOD exercises loving-kindness, judgement and righteousness on your behalf.

Be joyful that The Heavenly Father calls you, “son”.


God is pleased by our seeking Him continually.

The LORD rejoices that we ask Him to supply our need.

The LORD is always working in us both to will and to do His good pleasure. His good pleasure is to bless us. His good pleasure is to save us. His good pleasure is to deliver us from evil. His good pleasure is to prosper us and keep us in health even as He prospers our souls.

He doesn’t get excited when we say, “Hey LORD, Watch me, and see what I can do without Your help.”

He gets joy when we say, “Hey LORD, Let’s do some stuff together!”

Heavenly Father, let’s pay off a bunch of people’s houses together.

Heavenly Father, let’s pay off some churches together.

Hey Jesus, let’s go heal some people together.

Hey Jesus, let’s go start a revival in our neighborhood together.

Holy Spirit, let’s learn how to play this instrument. I really want Your supernatural help with it.

Holy Spirit, let’s build this business together. I know You know just how to make it prosper and bless so many people.

Lord God Almighty, I have lots of dreams, and I’m glad You gave them to me. Let’s do them together. I trust Your leading. I’ll do things Your way because Your ways are best.

Holy Spirit, Got any secrets You want to share with me today?

Where will I find the best deals today? Where is Your favor leading me today?

Is there anyone You want me to call, talk to or pray for?

Let’s be a people who are known for our intimacy with and dependence on God. Let’s be known for making God so happy that He dances with us. Let’s glory in GOD and let Him glory in us.