Seeking Jesus First - Oct. 12, 2022

Oct. 12, 2022
Seeking Jesus First
When Seeking Jesus First and putting Him first, we put His words above our own. I wanted to say His “opinions”, but His words are not merely opinions. His thoughts are right because He created everything, and He knows what makes everything perform at its optimal level. We are not going to improve on His creation. We can discover new ways of combining His words to create new things on earth. However, we are merely using what He has given us in the first place to do it.
It reminds me of the old story about the group of scientists who challenge God because they know how to make a man just as well as He does. They figured out all of the ingredients and how to put it all together and make a human person. God says, “OK. Let’s get started.” The scientist go and get all of the ingredients and assemble them in the lab, and God asks, “Where did you get that dirt and water and other stuff?” They replied with a smug face, “We went out and collected it ourselves from the countryside around the lab.” To which, God replied, “I made all of that. You need to make your own.”