SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Oct. 20, 2023

SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Oct. 20, 2023

The Greek Septuagint was completed about 250 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. The Ancient Hebrew language disappeared about the same time The Greek Septuagint was created. Aramaic and Greek were used instead. The Masoretic Texts were completed by Jews who did not believe in Jesus Christ over 900 after He lived and walked on the earth. Our current Old Testaments use the Masoretic Texts.

Why is this important? Jesus and the disciples used and referenced the Greek Septuagint in their speaking and writing. This is why the quotes and names look different between the Old and New Testaments. If you are a studier, it’s worth having the Lexham English Translation of The Septuagint. Take a look at how Deut. 8:17-19 compares:

You shall not say in your heart, “My strength and the might of my hand made me this great power.” And you will remember the Lord your God, because he gives to you the strength to make power and that he might make the covenant stand that the Lord swore to your fathers, as today. And it will be, if in forgetting you forget the Lord your God and you go after other gods and you serve them, I call to witness against you today that you will be destroyed by destruction.” (Deuteronomy 8:17–19, LES2)

The LORD is telling Israel that they are to remember who gave them the strength to make power over their enemies. The LORD gave them the strength, but they had to go into battle themselves to dispossess the cursed from their inheritance. We are to do spiritual battle to dispossess the cursed from our inheritance. We do not pick up human weapons. We walk by faith and in the anointing of God and we hear Him and make His decrees in the earth. The LORD gives us the strength to make power against those who war against Him. Sometimes this anointing converts them, but it always purposes to dispossesses the kingdom of darkness of what belongs to those who are in Christ Jesus. We are inheriting the earth through the victory of Christ Jesus over the world’s systems.