SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Nov. 28, 2023

Their is a negative and a positive side of speech. If you can’t stop the negative, Jesus is calling you closer to Himself. Sometimes the invitation looks like a rebuke at first.
“Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matthew 12:34, NKJV)
A heart produces what is in it, and what it produces is revealed in the words of the mouth. When a person has bitterness in their heart, they will produce bitter words. The point of this sentence uttered by Jesus to people whose herts were impure, was to reveal their wicked hearts to them. Jesus would not tolerate them quoting Scripture because it suited their own fleshly purpose to do so. They used Scripture to elevate their own status as they judged the people around them by their outward appearance. Jesus called them “whitewashed tombs” whose hearts were “filled with dead men’s bones.” They did not have God’s love, light and life flowing through them and their speech revealed this.
Faith begins in the heart, so naturally the heart changes first. When God’s love, light and life floods our hearts by The Holy Ghost which He gives us, we receive hope that has no shame in it. We receive the confidence that we need to trust God in everything He says. Our words change as our hearts change. And our mind changes as our words change. And our actions change as our mind changes. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by The Word of God.
How? Spend quality time with The Spirit and The Word. Align your heart with His. Align your words with His. Align your mind with His. Align your deeds with His.