SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Dec. 11, 2023

SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Dec. 11, 2023
Photo by Vladimir Fedotov / Unsplash

The Word of God is a lamp and a light. Its first purpose is to reveal God to us. The Old Testament has light in it but by itself it is incomplete. The commandments have to be married to loving God and loving others. The black and white of the law needs to be read and understood through the unveiled mystery of Christ (John 3:16-17). Laws are not evil until they are wielded by manipulating tyrants. Principles are not bad unless they are worked without love. We must seek, find and come to know the God of the Word in order to really know the Word of God.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.