SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Dec. 20, 2023

SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Dec. 20, 2023
Photo by Fa Barboza / Unsplash

I submit my soul to the Holy Spirit.

I submit my mind to the mind of Christ.

I submit my will to the will of God.

The Word of God is the will of God.

I submit my will to the Word of God.

I submit my emotions to the love, joy and peace of God.

I submit my body to the Holy Spirit.

I submit my tongue to the language of Heaven - faith, hope and love.

When I speak, I minister the grace of God to those who hear me.

I receive the truth of God’s loving and gracious word through faith in Him.  I let Holy Spirit destroy the lies that I believe with God’s gracious and loving truth.

I let the mind of Christ be in me in all wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

I let the mind of Christ, who as a son, was equal to God and served others by love be in me.