SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Jan. 18, 2024

Can God tell you what is wrong with you? We naturally answer, “Yes”. But God, through Holy Spirit, convicts us of sin by convincing us that He has made us righteous. We are the righteousness of God in Christ. God has declared us righteous. Can He then declare us sinful? He would be contradicting Himself. This point is being shown for the purpose of getting our focus off of our “old man” (as Paul calls it).
We look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We gaze upon Jesus and are transformed into His likeness. When we look at Him, we see what we are meant to be. We see what God’s DNA produces. By faith, we agree with God. If it was already manifest in our flesh, we would not need to speak by faith about it. It is manifest in The Spirit, so we speak about it by faith until it manifests in the natural realm.
We say, “We are the righteousness of God in Christ.”, “We are overcomers and more than conquerors.”, ”We can do all things through Christ.”, “We are accepted with Christ in the beloved.”, We agree with the completed work of Christ on the cross. We agree with the power of the resurrection within us. We say, “As He is, so are we in the earth.”, “We walk by faith and not by sight.”, “We have the power and authority of Christ.”, “We can overcome sin, hell and death because Christ has overcome them.”, “If God made a promise, it is ours.”, “Even the blessings that God gave Abraham belong to us by faith.” “We are co-inheritors and co-laborers with Christ.”
Simply put, we are not waiting for God to do what He has already authorized us to do. We are writing out the checks, drawn from a heavenly bank, and cashing them with our words and deeds. Talk and live like it is true to the best of your ability until it manifests. If it is delaying, change your patterns. Do something different in the way that you pray, or give, or serve, or love, or eat, or rejoice, or worship. Do it on purpose by faith until you see the breakthrough. More has been put in the hands of God’s sons and daughters than most realize.