SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Feb. 8, 2024

Living humans are the intersection between the spiritual realm and the natural realm. God made mankind in His image and gave them dominion to cultivate the planet with the culture of heaven. In order to do this, a person must know the creator of heaven and earth. It is not enough to know ABOUT God. So God became man, died and rose from the grave and ascended back to heaven. This was a new beginning for us, so God became Spirit and came to dwell with and in us. The new beginning for each of us makes us children of God with the capabilities of interacting with heaven and earth at the same time.
Christ is in us and we are in Christ Jesus. We are seated with Him in the heavenly places at the right hand of God. His presence in heaven represents us. This is how he ever lives to make intercession for us. Our presence in the earth represents Him. “I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
We live by faith. We live in His name. We speak in His name. Whatever we ask in His name, He does it. But He doesn’t do it without us. God has chosen to act in the earth through us. He responds to our prayers of faith, hope and love. He lives through us. We are His body. We are His hands and feet. We go. We touch. When we do this in His name, He is doing it through us. When we do this by His Spirit in us, His authority and power are acting through us. We can change earth’s culture to look like heaven because we can do all things though Christ who strengthens us.