SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Mar. 4th, 2024

SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Mar. 4th, 2024
Photo by Matthew Ball / Unsplash

May the force of faith be with you.

The process of using your faith is:

  • RECEIVE HIS PRESENCE - Know God. Humbly approach Him through faith and loving worship.
  • RECEIVE HIS WORDS - Hear God. Take His words into your eyes and ears. Read The Word with Holy Spirit engaged.
  • RECEIVE HIS DESIRES - Believe God. Take His words into your heart.
  • RECEIVE HIS NATURE - Think like God. Repent. Take His words into your mind. Rom. 12:1
  • RECEIVE HIS BEHAVIOR - Act like God. Love. Take his love into your actions.
  • RECEIVE HIS AUTHORITY - Speak like God. Take His words into your mouth.