SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Mar. 8, 2024

Possessing Your Inheritance through Faith in God’s Promises.
As we discussed yesterday, your God-ordained inheritance begins with receiving the righteousness of God which is given to us because we believe in Christ Jesus. The gift of righteousness allows us to stand without shame or condemnation in God’s presence - “Right-Standing with God.” This right standing through faith brings us into a place of rest with God. We are not trying to earn our inheritance. We are not trying to achieve right-standing. We are in Christ. Christ is in us. We are righteous. This is not flesh. It is spirit. God is Spirit. In order to be in right-standing with God, it must be righteousness in the spirit. Faith in the blood of Christ - the new covenant sacrifice - makes us “born again” and we receive the Holy Spirit to abide in with us and in us. We are a new spiritual creature who is joined with The LORD by One Spirit. We are righteous spiritual beings who have been united to God through being one with His Spirit.
However, the faith “process” is necessary to transform the soul and the body. Apostle Paul, by The Spirit, tells us to “Be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may prove what is the good (beneficial), acceptable (pleasing) and perfect (complete and mature) will of God.” The renewing of the mind transforms the behavior of the flesh which in turn translates “every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies” into earthly realities. Ceasing from mere “religious” works, we embrace faithful works of righteousness that God has for-ordained that we should walk in. Because righteousness is by faith, only works that are the result of faith are righteous works. Even things that we believe are someone else’s “religious works” could actually be righteous works based upon the heart of the one doing them - and visa versa. Remember, that humans judge based upon appearance, but God judges based upon the heart.
If what you are doing is born out of faith and fellowship with God and is motivated by love, and gives hope to you and others, I believe it is a righteous work.