SJF - Daily Worship, Word and Spirit - Oct. 2, 2023
When a believer sins against you or does something wrong, it is right to rebuke but it is never right to hate ore be bitter in your heart or to take vengeance or bear a grudge against another believer.
While the Word makes a point here and elsewhere to give special consideration for fellow believers, we have also learned that bitterness and unforgiveness and vengeance hurt us more than the one we feel offense toward. This is the first time in Scripture where God’s people are commanded to love others. In Lev. 19:34, God tells us to love the strangers who dwell around us as well. Jesus told us that all of The Law of Moses was built upon loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving others as we love ourselves. The Law made us aware of the sinful selfishness that dwells in man by giving us negative commands, “Thou shalt not….”. We need The Savior to give us a new heart and we need Holy Spirit to fill our new heart with the love of God. Love conquers all because love is the nature of God. “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” Receiving God’s love is the only way to become like Him. That is one really good reason for Jesus making it The New Covenant Command. It is a positive action command that expresses itself in selflessness and in the care of others.