Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 9, 2024

In Exodus 17, the children of Israel had no water on their travel, and God told Moses to strike a rock and enough water would come out to supply all of the people and their livestock. Moses struck the rock and the thirst of Israel was quenched.
In Numbers 20, the Israelites were traveling again near the same rock and again had no water. YHWH told Moses to honor The LORD in front of all the congregation by speaking to that rock. Moses expressed his own anger and disappointment toward the complaining people and struck the rock twice. God honored Moses and water came forth from the rock to meet the needs of the people and their livestock. However, The LORD told Moses that he would die without entering into the promised land of Abraham’s inheritance.
This works as an analogy to the Old Covenant (The Law) and the New Covenant in Christ Jesus. After Christ Jesus was struck down the first time, He was never to be struck again. Our Covenant with The LORD Jesus is a better covenant established on better promises. It is a WORD Covenant. We believe in The LORD Jesus Christ in our hearts and confess His WORD Covenant with our mouths and we receive what God has promised. Our works which we do to attain the promises are vain. When our obedience to the WORD Covenant and to The HOLY SPIRIT is birthed in our faith in The LORD…, When because of our faith and humility, we embrace what God has said, the grace of God to walk in all of His promises flows onto, into, and through us.
However, how can we humbly say that we are in agreement and alignment with The LORD’s Word Covenant if we will not say what He has said. “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Read Matthew 12:34-37). The Word Covenant is near us, even in our hearts and in our mouths.