Be Obedient to God
“Be obedient to God. Do your finances suck? Is your health bad? Do your relationships stink? Be obedient to God. Find out what God has to say about these things and do it. Faith without works is dead. Do you believe God is God? Do you believe all wisdom comes from Him? Do you believe he created everything? Do you think He knows more than you do? Be obedient to God. Find out what He thinks and start thinking like Him. Find out how He speaks and start speaking like Him. Find out how He acts and start acting like Him. Be obedient to God. His ways are higher than our ways, so He has shared His ways with us. Learn His ways and do it the way He does it. We are not talking about how we load the dishwasher. We are talking about how we speak and how we live. He has made us partakers of His divine nature and has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness. As we make excuses for ourselves and keep doing things that are different from the way God teaches us to do them, we cannot expect our outcomes to be the best. Do not be deceived, God is not marked, for whatsoever a man plants that shall he also harvest. If he sows to the flesh, he shall of the flesh reap corruption. If he sows to the spirit, he shall of the spirit reap life.”