Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 8, 2024 Are you anointed by God? “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.” (1 John 2:20, NKJV) “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 5, 2024 Part Five - Any worthwhile endeavor requires us to grow- to expand- to build in order to become something bigger and better than we were when we started. So it is natural that when we start believing God‘s promises, we will face obstacles that must be overcome. Jesus said
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 4, 2024 What is a Covenant? A Covenant is an agreement. It is a testament. It is words. A covenant is words between two people who agree. God cannot lie. God has bound Himself to His word. When God speaks, it is true. In one sense, practically all promises are conditional. We
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 3, 2024 Part Three - Can we expect a harvest from seed that is unplanted? I’m not asking if it’s possible to reap where we haven’t planted. I’m asking, can we expect to reap a harvest from unplanted seed? There is seed at Home Depot in seed packets.
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 2, 2024 Part Two - How is a person included in the covenant of Christ Jesus? It is not the circumcised foreskin of the male child as with Abraham’s covenant. It is the circumcision of the heart which includes anyone in this covenant. The circumcision of the heart is produced by
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 1, 2024 Healing is part of every covenant that God has made with men and for man. In Ex. 15:26, The Lord God introduced himself as YHWH Rapha, “The Lord who heals you”. The promises that include physical healing and protection are laced throughout scripture. Jesus did not come to give
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 27, 2024 What is fellowship? Is it hanging out in a brotherly way with each other? Is it eating a meal or sharing a scripture? The heart of the word fellowship is unity and partnership. People who fellowship focus on how they are one and not on how they are different. Fellowship
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 26, 2024 Who enters into fellowship with God? King David asked, “Who is able to ascend the hill of The LORD?” Then David answered and said, “Those with clean hands and pure hearts...” Thank God for Christ Jesus who has cleansed our hands and purified our hearts with His sacrifice and shed
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 25, 2024 Who can have fellowship with God? The technical answer is that a way has been made for all. However, the way is narrow. There is only one door. That door is Christ Jesus. “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, Have fellowship with You? They gather together
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 24, 2024 How long does God woo a person? How long will God try to win someone’s heart? It would seem that God tries until He stops trying. Weird answer, right? Revelation 3:20 (NKJV): Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 21, 2024 What can we do as believers? What is our priority? What are our “works of righteousness that we should walk in”? The good news is simple. “Believe on The LORD Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” Once we are saved, live a godly life. Live life in a manner
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 20, 2024 When God blessed Abraham, God declared the end from the beginning. All of the nations of the earth shall be blessed because of you and your seed. God had intended to save the world through the seed of Abraham. God protected and saved the seed of Abraham throughout the ages
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 19, 2024 How is the Abrahamic Blessing received? It is an inheritance so it has to be known, claimed, applied and used. How can I participate in a blessing/inheritance that I know nothing about? How can I be touched by something that I will not claim? How can the inheritance change
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 18, 2024 Christ Jesus is the promised substitutional sacrifice in the Abrahamic covenant. “And Abraham saith, ‘God doth provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt-offering…”. Through Christ Jesus, the blessing of Abraham has come upon all who believe in HIM. “That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 17, 2024 What is the significance around Christ Jesus receiving and being at the epicenter of God’s Covenant with Abraham? And why is it important that Christians inherit the blessing of Abraham? First of all, in addition to knowing that Christ Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of The New Covenant as
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 14, 2024 Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises - by not being lazy. “And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish (lazy), but imitate those who through faith and
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 13, 2024 Christ Jesus trampled satan under His feet. Christ Jesus crushed the head of satan and destroyed the works of the devil. Jesus displayed His power over demons by forcing them to leave the people they were tormenting. Jesus further displayed His absolute authority over darkness by giving His disciples authority
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 12, 2024 If Christ Jesus has accomplished it, then it is part of our inheritance. In order to receive an inheritance, it must be claimed. In order to benefit from an inheritance, it must be claimed and used. What has Christ Jesus already accomplished? What has He included in our inheritance that
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 11, 2024 What has Christ Jesus already accomplished through His life, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension? As we indicated in the June 10, 2024 devotion, Christ Jesus has given us victory over sin. We are no longer under the dominion of sin. We are under the dominion of grace, therefore, we have dominion
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word June 10, 2024 Jesus Christ was manifest on earth in the flesh. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 7, 2024 What has God accomplished through the life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of The Lord Jesus? This is so much that it can be heard to answer it. I think we spend our faithful lives learning and believing the answers, implications and applications. We could start with what Jesus accomplished
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 5, 2024 Our Biblical Kingdom World View can be “fleshed out” if we answer some questions about what God has already completed through the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ Jesus in the presence of many witnesses. By “fleshed out”, I don’t mean doing something in the flesh. LOL. I
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 4, 2024 It is humility that recognizes that God has the highest word, the highest authority, the highest wisdom, knowledge and understanding. It is humility that does not judge others, but submits to Christ Jesus as the judge. “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - June 3, 2024 Certain aspects of Scripture may get over-emphasized when trying to prove a point. For example, we often quote a memorized verse by itself without the understanding of surrounding verses (context). When we study Scripture (or “discuss” Scripture), it is important to consider, “What is the point of the whole passage?
Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - May 31, 2024 “For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be