Seeking Jesus First Dec. 23, 2024

Signs of A New and Better Covenant - Part One
The covenant of Abraham was a “Grant” Covenant. God did not give Abraham laws. He only gave him circumcision. This was Abraham’s "born again" moment. From that point forward, Abraham and all of his descendants were separated unto God as children of God. The “blessing of Abraham” passed upon all of his descendants.
The covenant of Moses with Israel was a “Vassal” Covenant in which many conditions had to be met in order for them to walk in the blessing. Circumcision, and with it, Abraham’s covenant, were still in place. It came first and was never annulled. The Israelites had the right to be children of God and operate under the covenant of Abraham as friends of God. However, because of fear, they chose a priesthood instead. By their own choice, they pulled away from Abraham’s Grant Covenant and started operating under a vassal covenant which was full of curses for disobedience.
The LORD Jesus came to do away with that vassal covenant and reinstate the Abrahamic Covenant which was founded upon faith, hope and love, also known as friendship and family. The Scripture is clear in many places that God always wanted something better for Israel and the rest of the world. It is clear in Abraham’s Covenant with God. “Through you, all the nations of the world shall be blessed.”
Psalm 110:4 declares about the Christ, The Anointed King, “The Lord has sworn And will not relent, “You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek.” This verse is three verses after the one that calls The Anointed King, “The LORD”: “The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
Why must there be a different order of priesthood? Why must the priesthood be the same Melchizedek priesthood that is introduced as King of Peace and King of Righteousness to Abraham? The answer is clear, God wanted to return to the Grant Covenant of Abraham, because through it, God could allow all of the nations of the earth to be blessed by the righteousness which is by faith, the same as Abraham. “For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.”” (Romans 4:3, NKJV) Read Psalm 110. Now all the peoples of all the nations may come to The LORD as "volunteers".