Seeking Jesus First - July 14, 2023

Today, I am celebrating 33 years of marriage with the wife of my youth. We are happy with our life together. We have had so many good times and plan to have a lot more! We made it through all of our mistakes and arguments. We love each other more now than when we started.
I wish I could take credit for our life together but I won’t. We just didn’t quit. We remained faithful to God and to each other. We prayed together a lot but not enough. We talked to each other a lot but not enough. When we were mad, we got over it. At times, I was too selfish. At times, I was too childish. At times, I spent too much money or made decisions that resulted in financial loss. But we forgave and kept loving each other. I chase her around the house every day… Wink. I remind her that she is more beautiful now in her fifties than when we met.
We raised five children together and we love them and they love us. At times, I was either too strict or too lenient. They can tell you about that if they want. We don’t manipulate them or try to control their choices. We trust them to God and to their own hearts.
I have written on many occasions about Biblical marriage. I have studied the Bible for decades. I have been married for decades. We have consistently lived our lives in alignment with God’s word. But, thank God that He did not require us to never mess up and never disobey. Thank God that His loving grace has covered a multitude of sins. Thank God that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Thank God that He keeps speaking to us. God is a good father. He is always leading those who will listen. He is always loving those who open their heart to receive his love.
Keep the faith. Be consistent. Walk in love. By love, serve one another. Speak the truth in love. Be kind and merciful. Forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive and forgive over and over again. Do your best. Then do better tomorrow. Give thanks to God for every good thing. Trust God that every bad thing will turn around for your good and give thanks. Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. And don’t mess with Mr. In-Between (doubt).
Your marriage and your family are worth your best and greatest loving effort. These three remain, faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.