Seeking Jesus First - Sept. 7, 2023

Live by The Word of God.
Follow The Spirit of God.
The Word of God gives us principles to live by.
The Spirit of God leads us in our daily walk.
“But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ ”” (Luke 4:4, NKJV)
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14, NKJV)
We do not need a “leading” from Holy Spirit to live by The Word of God. We already have the Holy Spirit endorsed Word of God.
Ex. Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Holy Spirit does not have to lead us to love one another. However, Holy Spirit will often tell us how to minister to or how to serve one another. Holy Spirit will lead us in the execution of The Word.
Obedience without relationship is “religious duty”. “I do it because I’m told.”
Obedience with relationship is family. “I do it because I love.”
Relationship without obedience is just friendship. “We hang out with them and enjoy their company. Period.”
Relationship with obedience is devotion. “We love them and we are willing to submit.”
I live by every Word of God, so I start applying what God says to my life in the way I act and speak.
I’m led by The Spirit Of God, so I start making myself aware of His Presence and listening for His voice with the intent to follow.
Living by and following are two different things.
I live by a set of principles.
I follow a person.
We do both.
Some people live by their own set of principles and others live by a set of principles which were made by someone else. A person might say, “I don’t live by a set of principles,” but, that is a principle that they live by.
Since we are going to form a set of principles one way or another, why not let God’s Word by the principles we live by? They are proven and they are good. Living by God’s principles shows the world who is our Father. Living by God’s principles activates God’s blessings in our lives.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32, NKJV)
The Father takes pleasure in giving us His kingdom. His kingdom has a culture. It is a culture of faith, hope and love. It is a culture that recognizes Christ Jesus as King and God as Our Father. Our Father in Heaven forgives us because of His love for us - grace and faith. (See John 3:16) Jesus reigns as King by the will of The Father. (See Matt. 28:18)
Read, Listen to, Study, Meditate, Memorize and Speak The Word of God daily.
Replace your former speech and behavior with kingdom speech and behavior.
Worship God and get accustomed to spending time in His Presence.
Be aware of His Presence enough that you recognize it wherever you go.
Let His peace lead you in areas where you are unsure about His word.
Let Holy Spirit teach you God’s Word. Be open to correction about what you believe concerning His Word.
Pray in The Spirit and in the understanding regularly. Pray that you interpret what The Spirit is praying through you.
Talk to Our Father, Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit about everything.
Do what you know and believe is good and Godly.
Rejoice and give thanks to God regularly.
Live by The Word and Be led by The Spirit.