Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 23, 2024

Daily Worship, Spirit and Word July 23, 2024

What happens when a person seeks God by faith? God reveals Himself to that person.

Let’s look into The Scriptures and see how God has revealed Himself in the past. God (Elohim) reveals Himself in the first person. He says, “I AM.” He reveals Himself in a personal way. An evangelist will preach the good news of Christ Jesus, but the testimony of Christ Jesus is the revelation of The Father.

When God revealed Himself as, “I will provide myself a sacrifice” to Abraham, He said I am Provider. I am a sacrificial ram caught in a thicket. A name for God is written in the book as Jehovah Jireh - The LORD Provides. This is a revelation of Yeshua, Yehoshua, Jesus, who became the sacrifice to end the old covenant and begin a new one.

You see, the revelation of a name is just the beginning. Elohim is more than a name. A name is an open doorway to meeting a person. When you know my name, you do not know me. You simply know about me - that I exist. “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12, NKJV)

Where do we start in seeking God? Well, why don’t we start with a name? Because it represents an aspect of His character or identity. We believe that He exists. We believe that Christ Jesus is the revelation of The Father. Therefore, get to know Christ Jesus. He has offered us His Spirit to dwell in us. We have extensive reliable writings about His life. We can read His words and deeds. We can seek Him through His words and deeds. Holy Spirit, Jesus said you would teach us all about Christ and His teachings. I will be still. I will study. I will pray. I will listen. I will follow You. Come into my life and make me more aware of You as You reveal God to me.