SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Apr. 2, 2024

SJF - Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - Apr. 2, 2024

Practice makes permanent. Perfect practice makes perfect permanent. I believe we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I believe The LORD is our strength. I believe we are strengthened with all might by His spirit which dwells in us. I believe that God gave us His Holy Spirit and that The Holy Spirit is Christ in us. I believe that nothing is impossible to Him who believes.

Therefore, I believe I can hear God perfectly by His Spirit who dwells in me. 2 Cor. 10:4-6 tells us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood and that we do not fight a carnal battle. Therefore, we must use spiritual weapons to overcome spiritual struggles. Hearing God’s Words and receiving God’s Words as my own is a spiritual battle.

Obedience and disobedience are individually linked to our hearing. Are we hearing and receiving God’s words correctly. Are we mis-hearing God’s words? Are we ignoring God’s words? If we hear correctly, we can walk in obedience. If we do not hear correctly, we will walk in disobedience. Our spiritual warfare is to hear God correctly and right divide the word of truth. Our spiritual warfare is to be attentive to Holy Spirit. Our strength is renewed when we wait on God. We are strong when we tend to or give attention to Holy Spirit. The sons of God are led by The Spirit of God. Want to know why The Word tells us to be still and know God? It is because hearing Him correctly is our spiritual warfare. The Scripture says, “Attend to my words.”, and “Incline your ear to my words.”.