Daily Worship, Spirit and Word - May 11, 2024

Conscience - Part Seven
There are at least three parts to who you are; You are a spirit, possessing a soul, living in a body. What Christ Jesus has done for us resurrects us spiritually. We are changed from death to life - from darkness to light. We are now spiritual offspring of God through the blood of Christ and through adoption by the Holy Spirit. This life, light and love of God floods our spirit and changes us.
Let’s take a look at the part about “possessing a soul”. Jesus said, “In patience, possess your soul.” We, as spiritual beings, are to take possession, or take control of our souls. We, as spiritual beings, have the ability to flood our souls with the same love, light and life of God that floods our spiritual beings. Let’s clarify, “we have the ability.” God has given us back charge concerning our souls. We can continue to fill our souls with the world. If we do, our conscience will not stay pure. You see, light and dark produce shadows. Pure light will not produce a shadow unless there is an obstruction that blocks out light. As we flood our souls with the light, life and love of God, the shadows and the darkness disappears from our souls.
We flood our souls with love, light and life by being in Christ and letting His words abide in us. “If you abide in me and my words abide in you…”. This produces a pure conscience. This produces a confident relationship with God. This is how the sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. Abide in God’s presence. Keep His words in your mouth. This will renew our minds and help us to patiently, and in good conscience, possess our souls.