Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Aug. 21, 2024
How is authority transferred? How is permission granted?
Permission can be granted through words, or a nod of agreement, but authority is only transferred by the use of words. One who has authority can grant authority up to the limitation of his own authority. A person with a key can let someone else use the key, but the original key person accepts responsibility for whatever the secondary key person may do. The one who grants authority is responsible for whatever the grantee does. However it is understood that the one receiving authority submits to the one granting authority. To act outside of the grantor’s authority is to betray trust. But the point of this teaching is to expressly point out that the words of one in authority grant or withhold authority, or grant or withhold permission. Words “LET”, which means they “allow” or “deny” authority or permission.
Words also indicate agreement or disagreement. When a person receives authority form the state, they should generally require an oath to only act within the scope of authority given.
Words grant permission or authority.
Words deny permission or authority.
Words indicate agreement or disagreement.
God’s words are no different. God’s words, the words of Christ Jesus, either grant or deny authority or permission. Our words either agree or disagree with God’s words. If God’s words grant authority or permission to us in any way, our words indicate our agreement or disagreement with God. Our words either grant or deny authority or permission to the spiritual forces at work around us.
This is why Jesus said, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”” (Matthew 12:37, NKJV) How you respond to God’s granted authority and permission matters. How you use the granted authority and permission matters.
If authority is granted through words, the authority is used through words.