Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Oct. 7, 2024

Daily Worship, Spirit and Word Oct. 7, 2024

Are you authorized to declare God’s Word?

Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” But to the wicked God says: “What right have you to declare My statutes, Or take My covenant in your mouth, Seeing you hate instruction And cast My words behind you? When you saw a thief, you consented with him, And have been a partaker with adulterers. You give your mouth to evil, And your tongue frames deceit. You sit and speak against your brother; You slander your own mother’s son. These things you have done, and I kept silent; You thought that I was altogether like you; But I will rebuke you, And set them in order before your eyes. “Now consider this, you who forget God, Lest I tear you in pieces, And there be none to deliver: Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; And to him who orders his conduct (conversation) aright I will show the salvation of God.”” (Psalm 50:15–23, NKJV)

What right does the wicked have to declare God’s statutes?

What right does the wicked have to take God’s covenant in their mouths?

If you hate instruction and ignore God’s words,

If you participate with thieves and party with adulterers,

If you give your mouth to evil and you have a deceitful tongue,

If you speak evil against and slander your brother,

The LORD will rebuke you when you call on Him. The LORD will allow your life to be torn to pieces before he sets things right.

But to the one who praises God and orders his conversation and conduct aright, God will manifest His salvation in your life. This one will call on The LORD in the day of trouble and God will deliver him, and we will glorify God.