Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 8, 2023 Because of faith in Christ Jesus, we are the people of God. This is not the result of any human lineage, race or earthly heritage. Being the children of God has powerful benefits. The first benefit is that God is our Father.
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 7, 2023 Do you think of yourself as spiritually mature? How does one know if he is spiritually mature? What does that even mean? Should I stop attending church if I am spiritually mature? Do I need a Christian leader, pastor or teacher to know me and speak into my life anymore?
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 6, 2023 What does God sound like? When God is speaking, there are two prevailing characteristics: Love and Truth…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 4, 2023 Apostle Paul admonishes the disciples of Christ to “stand fast” or to “hold fast”. It simply means to remain firmly persuaded about what he taught them and to stand firm in their beliefs and conversation. “Conversation” is your manner of speech and way of living…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 3, 2023 What does it mean to be firmly persuaded? “Firmly persuaded” is the definition of the Greek word for faith, pistis. When a person is firmly persuaded of a truth, they will speak of it. When a person is firmly persuaded of a course of action, they will act.
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 2, 2023 Spiritual gifts and ministrations are all the result of The LORD Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit working in us. If you ask The Heavenly Father for His Holy Spirit, what will He give you? (See Luke 11:11-13) God The Father will give you His Holy Spirit.
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Mar. 1, 2023 Everything about salvation by grace through faith is beautiful, wonderful and awe inspiring. Probably, one of the most exciting things about faith in Christ Jesus is the promise of adoption as children of God. In this promise, we see God’s original intent for humanity…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 28, 2023 Faith in Jesus Christ is the great equalizer. No matter what our lineage, no matter what our history, we receive the spirit of adoption, the adoption as sons of God, through faith in Christ Jesus…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 27, 2023 “Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 25, 2023 Dear believers in Christ Jesus, It is important to let Holy Spirit use God’s Word to teach us. (Duh!?!? Right?!) Well, we really must learn to honor God’s Word above opinions and feelings. Let’s look at salvation “by grace through faith”.
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 24, 2023 Ash Wednesday is recognized by many believers as a day of repentance and coming to Jesus for forgiveness as we remember the the sacrificial death and victorious resurrection of Christ Jesus…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 23, 2023 If people seek knowledge without seeking God, their Godless interpretations of right and wrong will inevitably lead to destruction of self and others.
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 22, 2023 Be courageous. Apostle Paul was being taken by ship to Rome to make his appeal to Caesar. On the way, a great storm, like a hurricane, came and threatened to destroy the ship and all of the people on it. Take a look at what Paul told the people on
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 20, 2023 Surprise! God is speaking to me about faith this morning. God does what God is. God is love. God cannot hate you. God is truth. God cannot lie to you. God is good. God cannot do evil to you or tempt you with evil. God is faithful to Himself and
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 18, 2023 What is the only requirement to receive a gift from God? Faith. Faith itself is a gift from God and must be received by faith. That sounds “funny”. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. God has given to each the measure of faith…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 16, 2023 “He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8, NKJV)…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 15, 2023 When the prophet Isaiah rebuked Israel in chapter 59, he said that no one is calling for justice or pleading for truth. “He loves righteousness and justice; The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.” (Psalm 33:5, NKJV) Let us pray that the wicked will be removed
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 14, 2023 One major difference between the old and new covenant is the priesthood. Jesus became the highest priest of the new covenant. And wonder of wonders, He made all who believe in Him into priests of His new covenant. There is no longer just one tribe who serves, one family to
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 13, 2023 Those who are believers in The LORD Jesus Christ are predestined to be conformed to the image of God’s dear son. God has foreordained that believers will be made like Christ Jesus, the firstborn among many brethren. Christ is being formed in us…
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 11, 2023 Have you ever been desperate? In the sense that you were full of despair? Stressed and Depressed? King David, the author of many psalms of praise, faced times of desperation. Times of being hunted, despised, rejected and alone. He faced these times by turning to God and worshipping and giving
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 10, 2023 There is a three letter word in The New Testament of The Holy Bible that has huge implications. That word is “LET”. “LET” means to permit or deny, to allow or hinder. “LET” is a lockable gate on a hinge that swings both ways. There is a gatekeeper who keeps
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 9, 2023 As I have previously stated, part of my core message is the good news that God, as “Our Father”, is more interested in partnering with us than doing for us. He is raising fully mature sons and daughters in the image of Christ Jesus and Himself. My focus tends to
Members only Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Feb. 7, 2023 God, Our Father, is always at work in us both to do and to will according to His good pleasure. God wants us to have His beneficial, complete and pleasing will accomplished in our lives. He is not willing that any should perish. We have the right and privilege to