Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug 15, 2023 Salvation Message Three How long has it been since you’ve read the parable of The Prodigal Son? It is a story of redemption. With God, there is life after stupid. “Then Jesus said, “Once there was a father with two sons. The younger son came to his father and
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 14, 2023 Salvation Message Two God is rich in mercy and love towards us. The definition of love is not found in our love for God but in God’s love for us, because Christ Jesus died as atonement for the sins of all granting mercy to all who believe. “But God,
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 12, 2023 Salvation Message What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? In Jesus’s own words? Jesus spoke to a famous Jewish rabbi/teacher by the name of Nicodemus about it in John 3. “There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug.12, 2023 In the beginning, what did God make Adam to be? What was Adam’s purpose? Why was Adam made in the image and likeness of God? God used His own spiritual DNA to create Adam. Did God desire a son? One can most assuredly conclude from Scripture that God wanted
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 11, 2023 Condemned - Censured; pronounced to be wrong, guilty, worthless or forfeited; adjudged or sentenced to punishment. Before Christ Jesus died on the cross, condemnation was a pre-existing, untreatable condition for every human on earth. Jesus removes condemnation from all who believe in Him. Simple faith in Christ Jesus delivers you
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 9, 2023 How is your relationship with Holy Spirit? Are you baptized? Are you continually filled? Do you keep the communication lines open and flowing? Can you hear Him? Do you know when He is speaking to you? Can He use your breath to pray out loud the perfect will of God?
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 8, 2023 Who is our source of life? From where do we draw our life? Who or what is our “Go To” for what we need in life? Did you know that God wants to be our source? Everything that God is, does and has, He desires to share it with us.
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 7, 2023 “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain murdered Able and asked God this question. Jesus commanded, “Love one another as I have loved you.” “Love your neighbor as yourself.”… “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 4. 2023 If God, in His Word, tells us to do something, or tells us that we can do something, and we go around saying that we can’t do it, who is right? We both are. God is always right, but we will also be right, in that, until we believe
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 3, 2023 Why? This seems to be the beginning of most arguments against believing in God. Why would God…? Why did God…? Christians have several ways to respond to these “Why?” questions. No matter what the why, God is God and we can come to know Him and His ways. God never
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 2, 2023 Love. Unselfish love. Un-manipulative love. Where did this kind of love originate in a scientific, evolutionary, “survival of the fittest” kind of world? Love The kind of love that made moms famous for their desire to protect and their willingness to share. But not the kind that made parents infamous
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - Aug. 1, 2023 There is only one thing necessary to be adopted as children of God. That one thing is faith in God’s only begotten son, Jesus the Christ. His name and title mean “anointed to save”. Faith in Jesus means that you accept what He did for everyone. It is a
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 31, 2023 Did you know that there is more than one kind of blessing? Just as there are promises that are conditional and promises that are unconditional, there are blessings that are conditional. At least, the Bible says so. Here is a good one. “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 29, 2023 An unbridled tongue is a believer’s worst enemy. The mature believer bridles his tongue. When we learn to speak only what God says about us, we put a bridle on our own flesh and we quit stumbling. A person, simply by using faith-filled, God-inspired words… …becomes his own prophet
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 28, 2023 “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27, NKJV) This is a pretty simple measuring stick if you happen to be looking for one. Well, the first two
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 27, 2023 When are we tempted? What are the usual circumstances surrounding the occasions when we find ourselves giving in to temptation? Can we avoid or overcome temptations? I'll bet we already do more often than we realize it. “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 26, 2023 Part Two Grace empowers us to think God's Thoughts, speak God's Words, and do God's Works. Where do you draw the line at being able to be like God? “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe
Seeking Jesus First Seeing Jesus First - July 25, 2023 Part One Grace empowers us to think God's Thoughts, speak God's Words, and do God's Works. Where do you draw the line at being able to be like God? God created us in His image. God sent His only begotten son to die on a cross to restore our relationship
How to Pray for Justice July 24, 2023 Here are Scriptures to learn, meditate and pray regarding justice in the earth. Praying Scripture is a great way to pray God’s will because God’s word is God’s will. Pray in the Spirit and in the understanding. 1. “The LORD is our God bringing
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 24, 2023 According to the Scripture, God rewards in multiple ways. God rewards people according to their faith. And He rewards people according to their works. One might ask, “I understand God rewarding me according to my faith, but what about grace and forgiveness? I don’t want to be rewarded for
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 21, 2023 The Apostle Paul still speaks today. Because his letters were recorded, we know what this amazing apostle was preaching and teaching the church and the churches. Paul’s teachings are foundational truths built around faith in Christ Jesus and built on to the cornerstone of Christ Jesus Himself. Paul tells
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 20, 2023 What makes a famous saying famous? “You are what you eat.” “Garbage in - Garbage out.” “Hard work pays off.” “Practice makes perfect.” “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” “Hope is not a plan.” “You reap what you sow.” “You will have what you say.” Doubtless, you
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 19, 2023 We are not under the law but we are partakers of grace. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Shall we live without faith, hope and love because God has already taken away the sin of the world? God forbid. Emphatically, “NO!”. What we say and do can
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 18, 2023 The New Covenant Scripture teaches us that faith in Christ Jesus puts us in right-standing with The Heavenly Father. Faith aligns our hearts with God. Faith in Jesus Christ equals righteousness. However, the manifestation of salvation in our lives here on earth is the result of our confession and conversation.
Seeking Jesus First Seeking Jesus First - July 17, 2023 Death in Adam, Life in Christ - Part Two If you have not come out from under the ancestry of Adam and entered the ancestry of Christ, you are still allowing a defeated dictator to run your life. Adam gave sin and death reign over all humanity. It is easy